Various settings to enhance your exerience
Settings to change the information shown on the location results pages.
Result Filters
This open gives you extra text boxes to filter specific services for example by speed or headcode. It does take up a bit more room.
Show Full Sighting
Turn this on to show the full number of one of the sighting reports as opposed to just the number of sightings
Show Every Sighting
WARNING: May affect layout on small devices. Turn this on to show every sighting number where trains have multiple allocations.
Plain Text Button
Turning this on gives you a secret button at the bottom which takes you to a page thats easy to copy/paste into Excel. Applies only to live search results.
Settings to change the information shown on the train schedule pages
Compact Rows
Turning this on will try and make the row height as small as possible whilst still showing changes en route etc.
Turn Off Tresspass Warnings
Get rid of those annoying safety messages on special services. You must promise not to be naughty.
Estimated Timings
Predicted future timings based on current running performance. Do not rely on this if tracking RHTT and test trains, or any train running 250E for example.
"Approaching" self updating banner
This is off by default because it can get confused with other trains of the same headcode. Instead i'll start adding signal movement reports to schedules. If you really want it back, turn this on.
Adjust other settings
Purge Location History
Clear your [Rail Record] search history.
Prev / Next Day Location
Default: Bottom. Choose where the prev / next day date skipper buttons are displayed on location and headcode result pages
Never Use Dark Mode
Live train times respects your browser/device colour scheme (dark/day) mode. If you never want dark mode, turn this on.
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