Train Allocation Lookup

Train Allocations History By Unit Number


Train Allocations Lookup

This page can only be used to look up booked workings for C2C Class 357 and C2C Class 720/6 for WTT, VAR and STP Passenger Services.

Use this page to search for past and current workings for a train unit.

This page only works for numeric vehicle numbers and cannot be used for On Track Plant or DR numbered vehicles.

Use this page to:

  • Look up current and past workings for a particular train by unit or loco number
  • Find the last allocated location of a train (most recent allocated journey end)
  • See if a train is working today. It will show OUT on the dropdown list when you start typing.

This page cannot:

  • Look up user-added sightings. This is for TOC supplied train allocations only.
  • Look up stock not covered by operators shown in the below table. It won't work.
  • This is a new service, it cannot allocate trains to ECS workings.

Train Allocations Operators Available

Operator Passenger ECS

Search By Train Rolling Stock

You must enter the train's TOPS number, for example 357001 rather than the individual carriage numbers.

Rail Record train allocations are a separate data set to user added sightings. This page does not search by user sightings and relies solely on train operator inputs at the start of each day.

Where a train operator does not allocate to ECS workings, you may find inconsistencies on this program.

Stock Allocation Disclaimer

Rail Record and Train Operating Companies listed above reserve the right to discontinue asset assigned train allocations without notice.